Jacob M. Sitman to Speak at Lehigh Valley Business Healthcare Symposium
Jacob M. Sitman, chair of FLB’s Employment Law and Labor Relations group, will be presenting at Lehigh Valley Business’s “Health Care Symposium: 2018” event. It will be held in the University Center at DeSales University on Thursday August 2, from 7:30 to 10:45 AM. Mr. Sitman will be speaking about “Opioids in the Workplace,” along […]
FLB Attorneys Named to 2018 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars Lists
Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, P.C. is pleased to announce that four attorneys have been selected for inclusion in the 2018 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers list. In addition, two attorneys were named to the Pennsylvania Super Lawyers – Rising Stars Edition. Historically, less than 5% of the lawyers in the state are selected for the coveted distinction of Pennsylvania […]
FLB Attorneys Speak About Electronic Surveillance Devices at PALA Conference
On April 10, 2018, Healthcare attorney Steve Boell and Employment attorney Jacob Sitman teamed up to present “Smile You’re On Nanny Camera!” — a look at electronic surveillance devices — to approximately 50 personal care home owners and executives attending the Pennsylvania Assisted Living Association (PALA) Spring 2018 Conference. PALA is recognized as the state association […]
Register today for “Protecting Your Confidential Business Information and Trade Secret Assets”
The increased tendency of workers to move from job to job, along with the ease and speed of transferring massive amounts of data, has made it more difficult than ever for businesses to secure their greatest assets – confidential information, intellectual property and trade secrets – and prevent them from getting into the […]
FLB Wins Summary Judgment for Employer in Federal Age and Disability Discrimination Lawsuit

FLB routinely defends employers against employment discrimination and other claims. In this federal lawsuit filed in Philadelphia, Jacob M. Sitman, Chair of FLB’s Employment Law and Labor Group, successfully defended a King of Prussia-based data analytics and regulatory compliance company against claims by a former sales executive that the company terminated her employment based on her age and alleged disability in purported violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
OSHA Updates Mandatory Web-Based Employee Injury Reporting Deadlines
Just about a year ago, we told you about the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s plan to move employer Form 300A reporting from a paper process to a publicly accessible online database. After a year in limbo, the Injury Tracking Application (ITA) will become available on August 1, 2017 to accept employers’ completed 2016 OSHA Form 300A. Last […]
New I-9 Released
Now that you’ve gotten the January 22, 2017 I-9 under control, you will undoubtedly be pleased to learn that a new I-9 was released on July 17, 2017 and will become mandatory on September 18, 2017. Either the January 22 or July 17 form may be used until then. The new form will be available […]
Newly Amended Ordinance Gives Philadelphia Authority to Shut Down Businesses for Violating Anti-Discrimination Laws

On May 17, 2017, Bill No. 170334 was signed into law by Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney. The Bill amends Philadelphia’s Fair Practices Ordinance, which covers Philadelphia employers and prohibits unlawful discrimination practices in employment.
PA Supreme Court Case Clarifies the Scope of Pennsylvania’s Personnel Files Act
by Jacob M. Sitman and Theresa M. DeAngelis, Summer Associate The question of whether a recently terminated employee in Pennsylvania has a statutory right to inspect his or her personnel file has been answered. The Pennsylvania Personnel Files Act (the “Act”) grants employees the statutory right to “at reasonable times” inspect their personnel files used […]
Steven T. Boell and Jacob M. Sitman Lead Medical Marijuana Roundtable
Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, P.C. shareholders Steven T. Boell and Jacob M. Sitman, along with Univest Director of Human Resource, M. Theresa Schwartzer led a HR roundtable discussing the workplace impact of the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Act. “Medical Marijuana is big business in both Pennsylvania and the rest of the United States,” said Boell at […]