Brighter Days Ahead? The Latest Guidance for Employers on Vaccines and the Workplace

With the initial distribution of the first vaccines approved for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration currently underway, employers are increasingly concerned about the extent to which they may or must mandate employee vaccination.
Pennsylvania Overtime Rules Have Changed
Pennsylvania has raised the threshold for determining whether employees are eligible for overtime pay – and the threshold is scheduled to continue to rise multiple times, automatically, in the years to come. On October 3, 2020, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) issued a final rule concerning overtime pay requirements under the Pennsylvania […]
Pennsylvania Overtime Rules Have Changed
Pennsylvania has raised the threshold for determining whether employees are eligible for overtime pay – and the threshold is scheduled to continue to rise multiple times, automatically, in the years to come. On October 3, 2020, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) issued a final rule concerning overtime pay requirements under the Pennsylvania […]
US Supreme Court Clarifies Employment Landscape for Religious Institutions

Over the years, courts have articulated various standards and factors in determining which employees of religious institutions are exempt from employment discrimination laws, and this has led to much confusion and little consistency.
Updated Guidance for Businesses Reopening in Pennsylvana
More than two months have passed since Governor Tom Wolf declared the closing of non-life-sustaining businesses. During these months of closure and stay-at-home, Governor Wolf introduced a phased reopening plan for Pennsylvania in which a three-phase approach (Red, Yellow and Green Phases) is used to determine when counties and/or regions are ready to begin opening […]
Guidance for Employers: Bringing Employees Back to Work
As the COVID-19 restrictions begin to relax and employees are permitted to return to the workplace, employers will likely have questions regarding the logistics for that return. The return to the workplace is not without complication. Some employees will be more than ready to return, while others will have many concerns about returning. The first […]
COBRA: New, Extended Healthcare Plan Deadlines All Employers Should Know
As a result of new guidance issued in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, employees now have more time to elect and pay for healthcare continuation coverage under COBRA. On May 4, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor and Internal Revenue Service released a new Final Rule on this temporary extension. Here is a link to […]
Back to Business: Employment Law Considerations Now and After the “Great Cessation”
On Monday, May 4 at 11 am, FLB Employment Law & Labor Relations attorneys Jacob M. Sitman and Stephanie A. Koenig will be presenting “Back to Business: Employment Law Considerations Now and After the ‘Great Cessation’”, in conjunction with The Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce. Topics will include: Reviewing Return to Work Policies Rehiring […]
DOL Commences Enforcement Of Paid Leave Laws
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) requires employers with less than 500 employees to provide leave to employees due to certain COVID-19 qualifying reasons. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) set April 1, 2020, as the effective date for employers to implement the FFCRA’s regulatory requirements, but deferred enforcement of the law 30 days […]
Employer Q&A on Recent Public Health and Safety Guidelines/Orders
As employers continue to manage the impacts of COVID-19 on the workplace and the workforce, the U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA, and the Pennsylvania Department of Health have issued additional guidance. We continue to receive many questions on the practical implications of Agency guidance and new legislation. Below are additional Q&A’s that employers should consider, […]