Appeals Court Allows Final Chapter 13 Payment Beyond 60 Months

Few things in life are certain. Death. Taxes. Chapter 13 plan payments must be completed within 5 years. But wait – the Third Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that a Chapter 13 Debtor can receive a discharge, even if the final plan payment is made after 60 months. In a case of first impression […]

Emotional Distress Damages Upheld for Stay Violation

The current Bankruptcy Code went into effect on October 1, 1979. One of the fundamental provisions of the Bankruptcy Code is the automatic bankruptcy stay which, as its name implies, automatically halts almost all collection activity against the debtor and the debtor’s property. Even though the law has been around for close to 40 years, […]

Third Circuit Weighs in on Dischargeability of Late Filed Tax Debts

In a recent decision, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals determined whether Internal Revenue Service Forms 1040, filed after the IRS has made an assessment of the taxpayer’s liability, constitute “returns” for purposes of determining the dischargeability in bankruptcy of tax debts under 11 U.S.C. § 523(a)(1)(B).  In plain language, the question before the Court […]

Supreme Court Issues Long Awaited Jevic Ruling, Ending Structured Dismissals in Bankruptcy

As a general proposition, Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings can conclude in one of three ways:  (1) confirmation of a plan of reorganization (or liquidation); (2) conversion to Chapter 7; or (3) dismissal.  Ideally, a plan is confirmed in which creditors receive payment as required under the distribution scheme embodied in the Bankruptcy Code. Plans can provide […]

No Retreat, Baby, When You Surrender

Under Section 521 of the Bankruptcy code, an individual debtor is obligated to choose how to treat the collateral of a secured creditor. Under the Code, the choices are: reaffirm the debt, redeem the collateral, surrender it, or claim the property as exempt. The debtor must file a Statement of Intention which explicitly lists the […]