Pennsylvania Supreme Court Closes Courts to the Public Statewide (April 1)



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Banner about COVID-19On Wednesday, April 1, 2020, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court updated its order directing the closure of all state Courts, beginning at the end of the day, Thursday, March 19, 2020 and is now “extended through April 30, 2020.” This closure includes not only stays of all trials, but also all in-person pretrial conferences, hearings, and arguments (although phone conferences can continue). The only exceptions are for certain emergent proceedings. The Order also prohibits all evictions, ejectments, or other judicial removal of individuals from residential properties during the judicial emergency.

Additionally, the Court has ordered that all legal papers or pleadings that are required to be filed between March 19, 2020 and April 30, 2020 shall be deemed timely if they are filed by Friday, May 1, 2020. To read the full list of court closures and rules, please click here.

While the situation continues to be in flux, we are monitoring the Courts in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and will ensure that our clients’ interests are protected. If you have specific questions regarding a matter we are handling for you, please feel free to contact the attorney handling the case. We are accessible through our regular work numbers, even if working remotely. You can also reach out by completing the form below.


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