Timothy D. Charlesworth, chair of the Firm’s International Business & Trade Law Practice, and Michael R. Nesfeder, shareholder in the Firm’s Litigation Group, participated in the Lehigh Valley Chapter of Credit Unions’ annual Financial Reality Fair on Tuesday, March 26 at DeSales University.
The event gave nearly 300 students from participating schools firsthand experience with budgeting and navigating difficult financial realities, such as the decision to live with their parents, rent with friends or buy a house.
“FLB has been a proud sponsor of the Reality Fair since its inception,” said Mr. Charlesworth. “We enjoy collaborating on this event with local credit unions, and getting to interact with the students is always eye-opening and fun.”
Before the event, students chose a profession from a list and were assigned a salary, along with the student-loan amount from their college education. Students received budgeting worksheets and toured various booths to learn how to balance different day-to-day expenses with their assigned income.
Mr. Charlesworth and Mr. Nesfeder were stationed at the Fair’s Housing Booth, where students learned the importance of renter’s insurance as well as the costs of utilities, rent and more.
Read this article to learn more about the event, including the experiences of both students and volunteers.