FLB’s donation for the March of Dimes’ annual auction at the Commercial & Industrial Real Estate Awards was ready to score back on November 2. The Firm’s Lehigh Valley Phantoms-themed basket was the #1 star of the week as it brought home another win for our “30 Acts of Giving” campaign. One lucky family won four tickets to a Phantoms game, two custom FL&B Yeti™ thermoses, and various Phantoms memorabilia. This single event raised thousands of dollars in the region, and over a million dollars nation-wide.

March of Dimes is a nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of mothers and babies to prevent birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. Their mission is to fight for the health of all moms and babies by advocating for better policies and improved health care, funding research, and empowering families with the knowledge and tools to have healthier pregnancies.
Learn more about the March of Dimes in your area.
As part of FLB’s 30th Anniversary, we decided to give back to the community that has helped us through the years. Our “30 Acts of Giving” campaign entailed collecting donations for and volunteering our time at 30 local charitable organizations.